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Oilseed Rape

Oilseed Rape

The nutrient recommendations below are based on SI 113 of 2022 as well as the Teagasc Green Book for Major & Minor nutrient advice. Any nutrient application to crops should be made in line with regulations around N & P use.

Appropriate nutrition is required to sustain high yielding and profitable crops

The importance of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium is well established for growing crops

Sulphur, Magnesium and Sodium are secondary nutrients which can boost yields in many situations

The appropriate use of micronutrients is essential for maximising crop yield and quality

Having a recent soil analysis at hand is the fundamental first step to building a crop nutrition plan.

Organic manures can be a great source of nutrition for crops. In many cases, they will need to be incorporated into the seedbed

Major Nutrient Requirements (Units/ac)

IndexNitrogen (Units/ac)Phosphorus (Units/ac)Potassium (Units/ac)Sulphur (Units/ac)

  1. N rates shown above refer to application rates of available fertilizer. Chemical fertilizer rates should be calculated by deducting the available N contained in organic fertilizer applications from the rates shown in the above table.
  2. See accordian below for information on Soil N Index.
  3. The Phosphorus fertilization rates for soils which have more than 20% organic matter shall not exceed the amounts permitted for Index 3 soils.
  4. P rates shown above refer to recommended application rates of available fertilizer.
  5. Chemical fertilizer rates should be calculated by deducting the P contained in organic fertilizer applications from the rates shown in the above table.
Major Nutrient Requirements (Kg/ha)

IndexNitrogen (kg/ha)Phosphorus (kg/ha)Potassium (kg/ha)Sulphur (kg/ha)

    1. N rates shown above refer to application rates of available fertilizer. Chemical fertilizer rates should be calculated by deducting the available N contained in organic fertilizer applications from the rates shown in the above table.
    2. See accordian below for information on Soil N Index.
    3. The Phosphorus fertilization rates for soils which have more than 20% organic matter shall not exceed the amounts permitted for Index 3 soils.
    4. P rates shown above refer to recommended application rates of available fertilizer.
    5. Chemical fertilizer rates should be calculated by deducting the P contained in organic fertilizer applications from the rates shown in the above table.
Fertiliser Programmes

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  1. Assuming no organic manures are supplied
  2. Assuming Nitrogen Index = 1
Soil Nitrogen Index System

There is, as yet, no satisfactory Irish laboratory test for N in soils at farm level.

  1. Nutrient N advice for grassland systems (grazing and conservation) depends mainly on land use and farming system, and particularly on the stocking rate.
  2. For crops requiring cultivation, the available soil N can be deduced from the previous cropping and manurial history, and the type of soil. Thus, N fertilizer advice is determined by the soil N supply status. This depends in turn on the previous cropping history.

The supply status is categorised into an Index system for grass establishment and tillage crops.

N Index for tillage crops that follow short leys or tillage

Index 1Index 2Index 3Index 4
Previous Crop
Cereals, MaizeSugar beet
Fodder beet
Oil seed rape, Peas,
Leys (1-4 years)
grazed or cut and
Swedes removedSwedes grazed in situ
Vegetables receiving
less than 200 kg/ha nitrogen
Vegetables receiving
more than 200 kg/ha nitrogen

N Index for pasture establishment or tillage crops that follow long leys or permanent pasture

Index 1Index 2Index 3Index 4
Previous Crop
Any crop sown as the 5th tillage crop following long leys or permanent pasture.Any crop sown as the 3rd or 4th tillage crop following long leys or permanent pasture. If original long ley or permanent pasture was cut only use Index 1.Any crop sown as the 1st or 2nd tillage crop following long leys or permanent pasture (see also Index 4). If original long ley or permanent pasture was cut only use Index 2Any crop sown as the 1st or 2nd tillage crop following very good long leys or permanent pasture which was grazed only.

Soil pH
  1. The optimum soil pH for Oilseed Rape is above 6.5.
  2. Where lime
    recommendations advise are in excess of 7.5 t/ha, it is good practice to apply the lime over a 3-year period. This helps avoid too much lime applied at any one time which can lead to boron and manganese
  3. Check out the Fertilizer Association of Ireland technical bulletin for more information on Liming
  1. Oil seed rape responds to the application of S on most soils but particularly on those that are
    not frequently receiving organic manures are light or low in organic matter.
  2. Application of 20
    to 30 kg/ha S will normally be adequate, with the higher rates being applied on lighter soils.
  3. The timing is not critical and Sulphur should be applied with the nitrogen.
  1. Oilseed Rape may respond to the application of Magnesium at soil Index 1
  2. Goulding Soil Nutrition offer Wolf Trax Magnesium DDP as an option to be coated onto fertilisers, Kieserite, a Mg + S fertiliser and Polysuphate (K, Mg, S, Ca) as options to treat Mg deficiencies. Including Magnesium in your fertilisers allows for earlier intervention (seedbed) when magnesium deficiency is a known issue.
  3. Magnesium sulphate (epsom salts) is widely used to correct Mg deficiency and
    comes with the benefit of additional small quantity of S.
  4. Find out more about Magnesium
  1. Boron should be routinely applied to oil seed rape especially when the soil test is below 1
  2. Severe B deficiency causes stunting and brittle petioles, but relatively mild deficiency results in poor seed set and a reduction in seed numbers per pod and seed weight. These conditions can also be induced by severe summer drought.
  3. Normally Boron should be applied to winter oilseed rape at the onset of spring growth either in a
    compound fertilizer or more commonly as a foliar application.
  4. In situations where there is a
    high risk of deficiency e.g. low soil B levels, high pH, sandy soil, an autumn application should be applied.
  5. For spring oilseed rape an application should be made soon after emergence when there is good crop cover or alternatively it may be applied as a component of a compound fertilizer before sowing.
  6. Boron applications should be completed before the onset of flowering.
  7. Goulding Soil Nutrition offer Wolf Trax Boron DDP as an option to be coated onto fertilisers. Coating fertilisers with Boron allows for earlier intervention (seedbed) when Boron deficiency is a known issue.
  8. Find out more about Boron.