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Goulding Fertilisers have brought a unique phosphorus fertiliser enhancer called “Avail”, to the Irish market.

For dairy, beef and tillage farmers

Who are looking for higher yields, better crop establishment and a better return from the phosphorous applied

Our product contains Avail technology and can be coated onto any phosphorous containing fertiliser

Better availability than untreated phosphate where >75% of the P fertiliser is unavailable to the crop in the season of application

Our solution has been shown to reduce phosphorous fixation by 10-15%

It is tried, tested and proven in Ireland and the UK

Want to know more?

What is AVAIL?

AVAIL is a phosphorous fertiliser enhancer. It is specifically designed to protect fertiliser P from being fixed into unavailable forms in the soil by antagonistic elements such as iron, aluminium, calcium and magnesium. 

By reducing the risk of fixation, AVAIL increases the availability of fertiliser applied phosphorous for greater uptake by the crop. This enhanced nutrient efficiency can lead to improved crop establishment, higher yields and better overall returns on P fertilisers.

AVAIL is coated onto granular phosphorous and is available in any fertiliser grade containing P, providing a simple solution to a complex problem – as evidenced by extensive independent field trials.

How does AVAIL work?

Plants take up phosphorous in its water-soluble phosphate form. Phosphate has a strong negative charge which fixes it to positively charged metals in the soil, e.g. iron and aluminium in acidic soils and calcium and magnesium in alkaline soils. The AVAIL coating is negatively charged and absorbs the positive antagonists, thereby shielding the phosphate from becoming fixed.

What effect does AVAIL have?

Independent work from Harper Adams University College, England,  showed better rooting, giving greater yield potential. 3 weeks from planting there was over a 40% increase in root mass with AVAIL treated phosphate was used.

What difference does AVAIL make?

In study after study, AVAIL has been shown to reduce phosphate fixation and boost potential yields – as much as 10-15%.

Need trial data?


Comparing the average yield increase from AVAIL against other phosphates on a range of crops



Comparing wheat yields of AVAIL against DAP



Comparing maize yields from a lower rate of AVAIL against standard practice DAP

AVAIL is a designed to prevent phosphorous from being fixed into forms which are unavailable for plant uptake contained within many of our NUTRI-MATCH blends. Below are some example grades:
SILAGE GOLD 20-2-12+2% Sulphur + Avail1st and 2nd cut silage
21-2-10+2% Sulphur + Avail1st and 2nd cut silage
POTATO PLUS 7-5-17+10% Sulphur + 1.5% MgPotato fertiliser
The above is for guidance only. Please consult your fertiliser Advisor for a detailed recommendation based on your specific requirements and situation
Need More Technical Information?

What is AVAIL?

AVAIL is a treated phosphate, which contains a water-soluble additive for granular phosphorus fertiliser that enables phosphate to remain free in the soil, providing opportunity for greater plant uptake with minimal costs. AVAIL is the only phosphorus fertiliser enhancement of its kind.

What are the major benefits of AVAIL?

Research has shown 75 to 95 percent of phosphorus fertiliser is tied up, or fixed, in the soil. AVAIL is a revolutionary technology that helps solve the long-standing problem of poor phosphate availability. It provides:
  • Greater phosphate efficiencies
  • Improved yield potential
  • Increased profitability.

Does AVAIL tie up the nutrients in the soil?

AVAIL is only effective in the very small zone around the phosphorus. It does not change the overall nutrient availability in the soil.

For crop producers, what are the benefits of AVAIL?

Numerous research studies have been conducted on the effects of AVAIL on key crops, including cereals, potatoes, oilseed rape, maize, onions and sugar beet.

What are the relevant crops for which AVAIL may be applied?

AVAIL is currently being applied with proven response to barley, carrots, grass, maize, oilseed rape, onions, potatoes, red beet and wheat.

What is the environmental impact of AVAIL?

There is no environmental footprint with the use of AVAIL. It is a water-soluble and biodegradable phosphorus-enhancement product. Studies show that the AVAIL polymer is destroyed during the 12 to 15-month period between field crops, with no residual effect on subsequent crops.

Can AVAIL be leached out of the fertiliser application zone by rain or excessive moisture?

Work with flooded rice has shown that AVAIL technology gives season-long protection without being moved out of the nutrient zone by rain or irrigation.

Should I broadcast or place AVAIL?

AVAIL is effective in both broadcasting and placement/banding applications.

Should AVAIL be used in the autumn or spring?

Research shows that AVAIL is equally effective applied in the autumn as it is in the spring.

The AVAIL technology was developed in the US. Is it effective in Ireland and the UK?

Phosphate fixation is a global issue, and AVAIL is proven to work in any crop, soil type and climate. See our trial data that shows AVAIL is just as effective in Ireland and the UK as anywhere.

Can I use AVAIL in organic farm systems?

No, although AVAIL is biodegradable and leaves no environmental footprint, it does not meet the requirements of Organic certification bodies.

Does AVAIL have an impact on Water Quality?

The safe level of phosphate in water is < 0.025ppm and x3 that level will create algae bloom which uses up the oxygen in the water killing fish, plants
and other aquatic life. Avail has been shown to improve the availability of applied phosphate by up to 30%, meaning more uptake by the plant and less P finding its way into the water courses. (Source - Kansas State University 2012)

Does AVAIL have an impact on the Soil Biome?

Compared to the standard application of DAP granular fertiliser, the Avail treated DAP increased the microbial activity in the soil by 23% over a 111 day period post application. This increase in microbial activity is important as certain bacteria and the enzymes they produce improve the availability and uptake of P for the plant (Source - University of Athens, Greece 2016)
In a 12 month study on earthworms where the technology was applied at x10 normal dose rate there was no impact on reproduction or mortality of the earthworms. (Source: Eurofins, France. 2018)

Does AVAIL improve agronomic efficiency and crop performance?

Over the 6 years 2015 - 2020, and 35 independent trials with Avail covering 7 crops and 6 countries across Europe, spread across a variety of soil types ranging from pH 5.5 - 8.5 and climatic conditions, trials resulted in an average +5% yield increase across all crops and years. A positive yield result was obtained in 80% of the trials conducted. (Source - Verdesian)
Trials have also shown that Avail increased the agronomic efficiency of DAP fertiliser by +23% compared to untreated DAP. (Source - University of Athens, Greece. 2016)

Can I reduce granular phosphate input if I use AVAIL?

Verdesian commissioned 10 independent trials in France to look specifically at the effect on yields when using
reduced P inputs combined with Avail. The results found that DAP fertiliser treated with Avail used at a 25% reduced input compared to standard farmer practice of 50kg per hectare P, demonstrated on average 3.8% higher yield than the 100% standard farmer practice fertiliser application.
Need a Carbon Footprint?

Our aim is to provide specific carbon footprints for our products, improving accuracy for recording and reporting. NUTRI-CO2OL, our independently ADAS verified carbon footprint model, was developed to account for changes in raw material sourcing, production and blending sites. 

An indicative carbon footprint for a product containing AVAIL is below. Contact us quoting the bag code on your bag tie for an accurate carbon footprint.