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Poly Power

Poly Power is a range of fertiliser grades that contain Polysulphate, a unique multi-nutrient fertiliser containing sulphur, potassium, calcium and magnesium in water-soluble, plant available forms.
Combined with Origin technologies designed to protect nitrogen and phosphates, the Poly Power range provides alternatives to traditional grades. It is also a key source of sulphur for many NUTRI-MATCH prescription grades.


Sustained release S that matches crop uptake and ensures a constant supply = Better than other sulphur sources


Prevents phosphorous from being fixed into forms unavailable
for plant uptake = Increases availability of phosphorous fertiliser for greater uptake


Original, most research proven urease inhibitor that stands above the rest = Delivers consistent results year after year, and proven in the UK


Prescription fertilisers delivering targeted nutrient inputs = No excess, no deficiency, no compromise

An all-season solution

Poly NKS for spring

Poly NKS combines the benefits of Polysulphate with granular CAN and MOP. It provides a sustained and constant release sulphur that matches crop uptake and reduces the risk of leaching. The combination of S, K, Ca and Mg help increase N uptake and efficiency.
These example Poly NKS grades are designed to complement NUTRI-START Poly. We can provide Poly Power prescription grades formulated to match soil and crop nutrient requirements, and a full range of micro-nutrients can be added to any grade.

High P index

TimingGuideline recommendationkg/haNPKSO3CaOMgO
Autumn0-12-36 + 9 SO3, 3CaO, 1 MgO + OEP200024721862
Spring17-0-9 + 14 SO3, 5 CaO, 2 MgO3576003250187

Mid P index

TimingGuideline recommendationkg/haNPKSO3CaOMgO
Autumn0-20-20 + 14.5 SO3, 5 CaO, 2 MgO + OEP3000606044156
Spring16-0-12 + 13 SO3, 4.5 CaO, 1.5 MgO3756004550176

Low P index

TimingGuideline recommendationkg/haNPKSO3CaOMgO
Autumn0-27-16 + 9 SO3, 3 CaO, 1 MgO + OEP280076452583
Spring15-0-15 + 12.5 SO3, 4.5 CaO, 1.5 MgO4026006050186

All recommendations are for guidelines only. Please consult your FACTS Qualified Advisor for a detailed recommendation based on your
specific requirements and situation.

Looking for a nitrogen sulphur grade?

Working on the ‘little & often’ principle, apply throughout the spring (example 2-4 splits) to provide total nitrogen for the season and match sulphur requirements in each application

Apply the full sulphur requirement early spring (mid-Feb) in one combined NS application, followed by additional nitrogen applications (example 2-3 splits) to supply total nitrogen requirement for the season.

Traditional v efficiencyAnalysiskg/haNKSCaMg
Traditional27N 10SO32005402000
Efficiency23-0-2 + 7 SO3 + P, CaO, MgO, Mn, Zn23554516.517.52.5
Traditional v efficiencyAnalysiskg/haNKSCaMg
Traditional27N 30SO2005406000
Efficiency23-0-7 + 24 SO3 + CaO + MgO235541655207
  • Combine the benefits of granular CAN, Polysulphate and Nu-Trax P+ into a single product
  • High quality source of granular N = even, accurate application
  • Sustained release S = matches crop uptake for optimum efficienc
  • Multi-nutrient = increased growth, yield and crop quality
  • Stabilised nitrogen for optimum availability
  • Proven to reduce ammonia losses by 78% and N2O emissions by 73%
  • Prolonged release sulphur to match crop uptake
  • Water-soluble calcium and magnesium for strong plants
  • Low carbon footprint

Want to know more about NUTRI-MATCH prescription nutrition?